Two weeks in.
Finally, a time to breath.
With the swing of school coming into play there has been no time to sit and be. But now that I am getting into the swing of my school schedule, somewhat getting the hang of waitressing (for the first time might I add) and now that my dear friend that was once a Branch is now a Thornley, my feet can land on the ground and finally put some order into this chaotic life I've been stepping through.
What I've learned thus far is that your planner is your best friend you just have to look at it everyday, time management is hard and can only be learned at a slow pace, solitude isn't always a bad thing but putting yourself out there to meet new faces is always a good thing, its never too late for warm chocolate chip cookies (even when your all of your strides towards a healthy life style scream no), but all in all creating with your hands no matter the subject is the best form of relaxation.
As this Monday wears on I realize there needs to be more in my life, though it seems unimaginable to comprehend adding one more subject into the fullness of my schedule I say in much certainty, I need more quality time with those around me, more spiritual pursuits, and more consistent exercise. Which seems basic, but i have realized our basics can be forgotten and lost no matter how in fashion they may be in this time, we should always find time to revert.
Cheers to a basic Monday. May we bring basic back. For its not always a bad thing.