May Markets:
Market season is in full swing!
The Beautiful Georgia Weather is upon us, markets are happening all over the city and it’s time to shop small!
My march and April markets were off the charts and I cannot wait to see what May has to Hold!
“I came to this market just to come to your booth, I’m so glad I was able to find you!”
Below you can see and List of all the markets I will be selling my work at for this month of May!
May 11+ 12 : Woodstock Arts on the Green
I’ll be set up behind the Reeves House on the Lawn
Saturday 10-6 // Sunday 11-5
May 16: Alive in Roswell
5-9pm on Elizabeth Way Right off Canton St Next to the beer tent!
May 18: PorchFest in Virginia highlands
May 25-26 : Alpharetta Arts Festival
As Always its best to follow my Instagram Page Below for current up to date reminders about Events: